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The following list provides a variety of resources and lesson plans to support your GAVRT instruction. They are categorized by mission, grade level and source.
General Radio Astronomy Lessons
High School Astronomy Lessons by NASA’s Radio Jove Project
More about Radio JOVE: The Radio JOVE project is a hands-on inquiry-based educational project that allows students, teachers and the general public to learn about radio astronomy by building their own radio telescope from an inexpensive kit and/or using remote radio telescopes through the internet. Participants also collaborate with each other through interactions and sharing of data on the network.
Link to Radio JOVE educational activities and lesson plans:
Grades 4-12 Lesson by JPL Education
More about the JPL Education Website: Bring the wonder of space to your students. Explore our universe of science, technology, engineering and math activities and resources.
Lesson: Catching a Whisper from Space
Students will model the mathematics used to communicate with spacecraft. They will use sound waves as an analog for light waves and parabolic transmitters and receivers to represent antennas on spacecraft and on Earth. 
GAVRT Elementary Support Lessons- NASA’s Space Place
More about Space Place:
Launched in 1998, NASA Space Place's mission is to inspire and enrich upper-elementary-aged kids' learning of space and Earth science online through fun games, hands-on activities, informative articles and engaging short videos. With material in both English and Spanish and resources for parents and teachers, NASA Space Place has something for everyone.  (
Black Hole Patrol
Lesson: Fall into a Black Hole (board game activity)
Play our intergalactic adventures board game and be the first to explore a black hole and live to tell about it! You will also visit such interesting places as a giant array of radio telescopes in the New Mexico desert and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Then you will blast into space and visit the Earth-orbiting Japanese VSOP Radio Telescope and Russia's RadioAstron telescope.
Jupiter Quest
Lesson: All About Jupiter
This lesson provides an overview of Jupiter to include many images and interesting facts.
Lesson: What’s It Like Inside Jupiter?
This lesson explores the concept of pressure and the goals of the Juno Mission to Jupiter as scientists seek to uncover the mysteries of Jupiter’s core.
Lesson: How Many Moons?
This article explores the moons in our solar system.
Lesson: If Jupiter and Saturn are Gas Giant, Could You Fly Straight Through Them?
Scientist Dr. Marc Rayman discusses how Saturn and Jupiter were formed.
Lesson: High Tide on Io!
This article explores Jupiter’s moon, Io, and what makes it so unique.
  • A Tour of the GAVRT Antenna by Brooke Ardenski & George Stephan - PDF download
The following website links may be useful for teachers and students as they begin to explore the universe. Useful websites for use with the Jupiter Quest mission: